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Abstract: In order to explore the effect of salting on the quality of breeding large yellow croaker,saturated yellow brine was used to pick and c*te large yellow croakers. The pH,TVB-N,K value,total number of colonies,and TBA were used as indicators to measure changes in the freshness of breeding large yellow croaker.,cohesiveness,and elasticity were used as indicators to measure the quality change of breeding large yellow croaker. Myofibrillar protein content,Ca2+-ATPase,myofibrillar protein retention,hydrazine,surface hydrophobicity,carbonyl,and protein thermal stability were used as indices to determine the culture size. The physicochemical characteristics of yellow muscle myofibrillar protein were changed. Untreated samples were used as blank control to analyze the effects of salting treatment on the protein properties of breeding large yellow croaker myofibril. The results showed that the total number of colonies decreased from(4.48±0.38) lg cfu/g to(3.97±0.21) lg cfu/g,and the pH decreased from 7.06±0.15 to 6.95±0.17,and the hardness was(5.09±0.02) N decreased to(4.95±0.05) N,the cohesiveness decreased from 0.54±0.03 to 0.45±0.071,the elasticity decreased from(2.71±0.08) N to(2.18±0.07) N;the TVB-N content increased from(5.12±0.72) mg/100 g to(6.69±0.40) mg/100 g,K value increased from 2.99%±0.33% to 4.11%±0.20%,TBA increased from(0.25±0.04) mg/100 g to(0.57±0.02) mg/100 g;myofibrillar protein thermal stability decreased,water holding capacity was(6.97±0.13) g/g pro decreased to(6.08±0.22) g/g pro,the surface hydrophobicity decreased from(8403.10±20.92) μg to(7727.13±103.12) μg,and the carbonyl content decreased from(4.58±0.05) nmol/mg to(4.39±0.09) nmol/mg,Ca2+-ATPase decreased from(1.20±0.07) μmol/min/mg pro to(0.50±0.04) μmol/min/mg pro;myofibrillar protein concentration increased from(513.989±31.31) ppm to(1069.70±21.18) ppm,and sulfhydryl content was(591.00±12.59) μg/g pro It rose to(614.82±7.27) μg/g pro. Conclusion:The curing treatment reduces the freshness and tissue structure of cultured large yellow croaker and affects the spatial structure of myofibrillar proteins.







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